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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pura Vida!

We've just gotten back from Costa Rica, I've only got three days of summer left, and have no time to be blogging about our trip.'s a summary and a selection of some favorite pictures.

Day 1: tour San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica
Day 2: lounge around the house (laying out, reading, eating, talking, etc.) Two Can Jam party
Day 3: waterfall hike with Andy and one hour massages on the 2nd floor balcony with the cool breeze and the tapping of rain (this was my favorite day of the trip!)
Day 4: Arenal volcano, hanging bridges tour through the rainforest

If you'd like to view all the pictures, click here to go to my web album.

The hike down to the waterfall: my very favorite thing we did.

After this we went to the top of the waterfall. Now, the day before Andy and I visited this place. I told him I wanted to get a picture from the very edge, and he agreed to let me. That night we both had dreams of falling off the edge of the waterfall. So, this next picture is the one I got crawling on all fours to the very edge, practically hanging off of the edge of the waterfall, while Andy is pulling me back so hard I could hardly breathe. We both agreed afterward: totally worth it.
These are from our day trip to Mt. Arenal, one of the top ten most active volcanoes on the Earth.

Top 5 favorite things about the rainy season or Costa Rica in general:
5. I could be a green thumb here: everything grows.
4. The fresh fruit.
3. Being within a few hours of mountains, the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean Ocean, volcanoes, grasslands, rolling hills, etc. Adventure is never far away.
2. The year round weather varying from 60 - 85 degrees. Year round!
1. The clouds.
Top 5 things I missed while gone:
5. Sidewalks and streetlamps
4. Paved roads
3. Rules and codes (and things like time)
2. Getting anything I could ever want at the grocery store.
1. Berkley

Great trip, glad to be home, wishing I had more of my summer left! Now I'm heading to Mardel and Teacher Tools for some bulletin board border.

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