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Wednesday, June 17, 2009


This is one of my favorite cds. If you're like me, you feel like lots of Christian music is the same as secular music, only it sounds bad. I am always on the lookout for great Christian music- I need it on my drive to work every morning. It puts my mind in a mode of worship and readies me for whatever is to come that day. So I look for music with solid lyrics and a sound that I don't cringe at.

A couple times at Austin Stone, Andy Melvin (the lead worship pastor) has been gone and a guy named Aaron has stood in for him. Aaron played the keyboard (I always love piano driven music) and after each time, I said, "That guy is great- I love his sound!" When Andy was at Austin Stone without me one time, he found out Aaron was in a band called Spur58 and bought a cd to put in my stocking for Christmas.

I looked at the jacket inside (always my first step with a new cd- I'm nothing if not thorough.) They were signed by Indelible Creative Group, whose mission statement is: "helping to build God's Kingdom by creating remarkable experiences through media products that are culturally and spiritually relevent." Where the lyrics usually are, instead I found the scenarios and situations that brought on the writing of each particular song. When I first listened to the cd I thought it was catchy but that the lyrics were a little simple. The more I listened to it, I began to feel a depth of truth in the lyrics that had at first seemed plain or overdone.

I've listened to this cd almost 100 times now. This morning I kept thinking one of the lyrics over and over again: "I was made for so much more than breathing in and breathing out so let me find my everything in you." I am sure to get pulled over listening to track 11, because I get so into it, by the end my foot is pressed to the floor and I'm going 85 in a 60. But I will weep at the end of this album every time, with track 12 repeating over and over, "It's never too late to start over."

Listen to it, love it, enjoy!

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