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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our Fun Weekend at LBJ

This past weekend we went with our friends, The Taylors, to their lake house on LBJ. Over the past two years, this has been something we love to do together. They are always quick trips, but we get to relax and spend some good quality time together, outside of our normal schedule, and surrounded by beautiful land. We arrived on Friday evening and spent a nice night indoors. Then Saturday we hit the lake all day long!

Berkley loves the lake house more than anyone, because he gets to go wherever Mommy and Daddy go! The only downside: wearing the life jacket and having me surprise him with a spray of sunscreen to the nose. But look at this picture- does he seem to mind?

Andy and I have been hoping all week that Berkley would now be brave enough to jump into the water from the boat. After a lot of whimpering and crying as we all screamed encouragement to him, he jumped in. He doesn't quite understand the life jacket's ability to keep him afloat, so he swims in circles around the boat. He slept almost all day Sunday as a result- mission accomplished!

Berkley and I love watching Andy ski. I have never been skiing in my life, and I don't think I'll ever try. I'm not that into water. BUT I love to watch Andy being a rock star- and apparently Berkley does too.

On Sunday, we met up with our friend Parker and my mom at Austin Stone (one of our favorite churches!) before grabbing lunch and heading back. They were going through a short series on self feeding. As Christians, we often exchange the wisdom God can reveal to us for the wisdom God has revealed to others through sermons, podcasts, great books, etc. The Austin Stone is challenging the church to believe the promise of God- that He Himself will teach you through the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit. They went through a format called REAP (Read, Examine, Apply, Pray) as a way of reading the Bible for spiritual sustenance. I was so convicted by this message. I think we can all see how we are trusting in others to teach us instead of learning about God, by God, through God's Word. How beautiful it is that He provides all that we need! Click here to hear "The Art of Self-Feeding" (Part 1: the theology behind self-feeding; Part 2: a practical way to self feed).

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