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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hello, 2 1/2 months flew by!

So I WAS doing a really good job of keeping up with my blog...I always do things in little spurts. I find myself always wishing for the discipline of endurance.

We have been busy with lots of great things! I had every intention of posting about each of these things, but I've let time get away from me and now the task is too big to be done. is a snapshot of some great happenings:

First, my mom, Sophia, and I headed north! Sophia did great on her first (and last) car ride to Iowa. Next time we're flying. Amen! We had a busy week filled with family:

Sophia was just beginning to pull herself up on all fours

 Sophia with her Poppy and most devoted watchdog

At a wedding shower for my cousin Ryan

At my Aunt Barb's house for a full family get-together #2:

We enjoyed a special night with my dad, Papa Mac

Sophie and Poppy playing with the cane

At my cousin Emily's graduation celebration:

Four generations of mothers and their daughters

Next we had Lake Weekend 2011 with some of our closest friends in Horseshoe Bay:

My mom and cousin Lindsey came up for a visit. We went to the Science and History museum and out for gelato, of course:

Oops, how did these get in here?!

In the meantime, Sophia learned how to stand up in bed and as you can see, she is proud of it!

Next came my 10 year high school reunion:

Then Andy's birthday:

Another visit down to Austin. By this time she is a pro at crawling, pulling up, standing, crawling, pulling up standing, crawling, get the gist.

This is one of her favorite faces to make- the hidden bottom lip:

We loved getting to see all of the friends and family we've been able to over the past 2 1/2 months. We are home for good now from our travels and I am finished working for the summer, so it's swim lessons and lots of play dates from now until September!

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