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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

I love the month of October. It is absolutely and eternally my favorite! This past weekend Oma was in town, and we did our standard thing: shop shop shop! We were just leaving Hulen Mall when I saw this great pumpkin patch where they usually sell all those flowers, by the main enterance. Now, I'd love to tell you that I'm the kind of fly by the seat of my pants mom that just pulled over right then and there and snapped some great pictures. But I'm not. We were running late to lunch and needed to get Sophie home immediately after for a nap. Besides, she was wearing this multi-colored dress with hot pink leggings. I know kids can get away with anything, but I don't do orange and hot pink. SO, after lunch, after the nap, after changing her outfit twice, we headed back to Hulen Mall to snap some pictures of Sophie in a very urban feeling pumpkin patch....because, let's be honest, it's in a parking lot next to a busy street. But, the real highlight of my day was what we miraculously got in her hair ;) What a big girl!

 look! look what's in her hair!

see her spunky locks just blowing in the wind? good thing she's got a bow on!

and her classic "I'm on a mission" crawling face, just because...

Enjoy this fabulous month- Happy October!

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