We went to Georgetown just after Christmas for a visit. On New Year's Eve, Andy and I laid in bed together listening to Sophia's soft breathing and whispered of the goodness of the past year and wondered at what would come of 2011. I told him of how precious this time with Sophia has been.
It's rare to ever be in a relationship with someone who's never hurt you. Our relationship with the Lord is stunning because it is always and forever that way. I know Sophia was born into the curse of sin, so I'm not at all arguing against that. But for this time, both my sin and hers hasn't threatened our relationship. What I mean is, she hasn't ever done anything to intentionally hurt me. She hasn't actively rebelled against me. It's a miracle to get to experience, as a shadow, what relationships could have been like had the fall never happened. The possibilities are breathtaking.
So this time, this short precious stint of time is a gift I have treasured in my heart, because it will end. Soon. One day very soon Sophia will begin to stop trusting me, believing that her own understanding of her needs is higher than mine. She will resist me. She may scream at me, withdraw from me, hit me, disobey me, say hurtful things to me...sin will begin its attack. How will I respond? And how will I keep my own sin from invading as well?
Lord, thank you for the past three months! It has been my joy to experience loving someone the way we are meant to. I look forward to the day when sin no longer has a home in our hearts. Having been redeemed, we can love you and each other with a love that is pure. Prepare my soul for responding in love and grace to Sophia when she sins, as to everyone. I know this is possible with the Spirit! You provide all we need to follow you. I love you! Amen.